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LoupGarou (profile) wrote,
on 1-1-2005 at 8:40pm
Current mood: bouncy
Music: Aerials - System of a Down
Subject: Disneyland and shtuff
HOWDY Y'ALL! I just came back from my favorite place on earth next to Walt Disney World. Disneyland! WEeeeee! *dorkish grin*
Twas mucho fun and mucho crowded.
*GASPUS!* you know what Michael Eisner is doing now?! MULAN II! He can't keep doing this to Disney! I sob. Sob I do. *sobs*
No more sequels! Not unless they be damn good ones! Walt didnt' believe in sequels you know!
New Years in Disneyland was of course packed with people. After the fireworks we had to seek shelter in a photo shop on Main Street and then in an outside eating area for a restaraunt.
We ate in the Blue Bayou, the restaraunt in the Pirates of the Caribbean building. Twas very nice. that one guy that played Harry Osbourne in Spiderman 1 and 2 was there. He walked out with a cast member while we were waiting to get in. I don't think many people noticed him except my mom and me. Well I'm sure they noticed him elsewhere but I meant at least at the restaraunt as he was walking out.
There were a bunch of Japanese tourists there while as well and they were so cute! There was this one group of two guys and I think a girl on mainstreet that looked maybe in their early 20s and they were taking a picture with the castle in the background and when they took the picture they held two fingers up in the "v" for victory sign thingy. It was cool to see because it's the typical Japanese picture thing! ^.^ And it could possible be because I'm just a weird freak lol. My reaction: "*jumping up and down and speaking in excited whispers* lookit lookit! They did the finger thingymabob Japanese cool thingy! view it! They did the finger thingy!"
My parents looked at me as if I was insane, and even my sister talked to me as if I was having problems.
Twas a vunderful trip indeed. We went to the new Hollywood Tower of Terror. Twas mucho fun! I liked the work they put into theming it better in the Florida one, but then again they had less land to work with over here. Twas still very fun.
What pisses me off is when they have those really unenthusiatsic cast members (employees) that are really boring and out of it.
Methinks it would be fun to work at Disneyland because you get the chance to act as well as earn money for it. Well, at least if you are working for themed rides.

Anyway, Christmas was lurvley! Lots of Lurvely-ness!
I went and saw Finding Neverland with my family! Highly recommended movie! I lurve it muchly! Actually I think it's become one of my favorites. I saw it a second time with Ryan and Javier. I wouldnt mind seeing it a third time! Anyone wanna take me? :D

Hmm where was i?

I've gotta stop chewing my nails.

Well anyway, I guess that's all I'll write about right now. Happy New Year to everyone! Kinda hard to believe that 2004 is over and 2005 has started. Sad to think of it, actually. Another year gone by.
And another one ahead.

Oh Lord, help us.
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01-02-05 9:53am

OOOH, I'm jealous. I wanna go to Disneyland. Muchly. Happy New Year! =D


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Re:, 01-02-05 5:26pm

Happy New Year to you as well! Yes Disneyland is lurvely.

And do go see Finding Neverland! Tis wonderful and fun and sad but cute and very well filmed and put together.

I have to sing a Disney song. Weee! "A dream is a wish your heart maaaaaakes! When you're fast asleeeeeeep! In dreams you will lose your heart aaaache! Whatever you wish for, you keeep! Have faith in your dreams and somedaaaaaay your rainbow will come smiiiling throooough! No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing a dream that you wish will coooome truuuuuuue!"
*bows* thank you, thank you!

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01-02-05 9:05pm

Wow! It sounds like you had lots and lots of fun.. And the whole Japanese tourist people being cute made me laugh.

I wanna see Finding Neverland too! ><

Rawrawrawr! I wanna do all that! XD

Anywho, happy new years!

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Re:, 01-03-05 5:27pm

Yes i lurfed it muchly! And yesh! Go see Finding Neverland! And go to Disneyland! Follow your heeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaart! (*inspirational music plays in the background*)


Anyway, happy New Year to you as well! Hope you partied 'til the wee hours! XD


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