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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 1-2-2005 at 12:01pm
Current mood: meh
Music: nada
Subject: Happy 2005!
So it's 2005. The year of many changes. Should be interesting. Now I just have to remember to write 05 on my papers at school.

Katie, Jenny and I finished our project for chemistry. Not horrible. I actually had fun making it. Of course Ellie came over outa' no where and that probably helped my sanity. But yea, pretty fun time.

We had so much fun Friday. Ariana, Larissa and my grandparentals came over to ring in the new year. It was grand. We played video games and danced and played games. We had a Eukre tournament too. That was fun. I think we were second or third place. Kinda' sad, but it was still good fun. We stayed up until almost 3 o' clock in the morning just talking and then my dad woke us up at 9:15 on Saturday so that we could get ready to go shopping. We went to the mall with my aunt and cousin. Ariana came with us too. My aunt gave Steph and I $30 gift cards to Old Navy. I got a couple of shirts and some flip flops. Then we ate at olive garden and continued on to the mall. My aunt wanted to exchange some pants she'd gotten from hollister for Christmas, so we went there. I've never been in there before, and I tell you, it's doubtful that I'll ever go again. Their biggest sale was on flimsy little t-shirts that were $9.90. The rest of their clothing was at least 40 bucks. It was crazy! Ariana made me try stuff on though. I ended up buying a shirt. One of the on sale ones. It's really cute, but still over priced. Anyway, we went to the Buckle too. I found a rolling stones t-shirt there that was way awesome! I wanted it so bad, but it was nearly 40 dollars! Way too much for my wallet. So it stayed on the hanger. Gay. I dragged my little cousin, who was wearing all pink, into hot topic. This guy who was in there kept looking at us like we were the devil. It was hilarious. They are way too expensive though. Blah. At the end of the shopping day my cousin and I went to this place called Your Plate or Mine where you can paint ceramics any way you want and they'll fire it for you. It's way cool. I painted a mug. It's purty. Emalie painted a flare mug, her's is way better than mine. She's an awesome artist though, so it makes sense. Awesome place though. Ariana and I decided to go make those for our birthday. It's super cheap, so it shouldn't be a problem. When we left the mall we went to Bran's for dinner and watched part of the Rose Bowl. I was having a hard time not yelling at the TV. Sucks that Michigan lost! After that we took Ariana home and then watched the rose parade. We taped it because we were gone when it was on. It was coolish. I liked the opening with all the disneyland characters.

Yea, that's my weekend. Today we have to go to some lady's visitation. She's Roxy's sister. Roxy was my grandpa's almost girlfriend about 10 years ago. But now he's married. Not to her. She's stupid. But there's nothing I can do about it, so I'll go. We get to go to Outback first, so I suppose it's fine. We're gonna' go get a tivo thing for our sattelite dish and mi padre said we can look at cameras too! That's the "big" 16th birthday gift I asked for. I love taking pictures, so they're gonna' buy me a digital camera. I'm excited!!

Well I should go now. You're probably bored out of your mind reading this. Chao all.

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01-02-05 3:54pm

Yeah Buckle is super expensive...So is Alloy who also has some rocking t-shirts.

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Re:, 01-02-05 6:56pm

oooohh i LOVE alloy!

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Re: Re:, 01-02-05 9:14pm

me too

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Re:, 01-04-05 4:20pm

i love that one chevy girrrrl one. lol. and the hot rod girl: good girl gone bad one. they rule! lol. alloy is my hero!

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