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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 1-3-2005 at 6:32pm
Current mood: bouncy
Music: The Killers
Subject: Smile like you mean it
School, yay. It wasn't horrible, but I was dead tired! For real. I need to teach myself to go to sleep when I go to bed and not just sit there thinking. I think too much, it makes me crazy. Blah.

So we showed our movie in chem. It was cool, people laughed. I'm glad, cuz I was freakin' out man! lol. Although I gotta' say, I think Katie and Jenny were over-blushing. Their voices were barely in it! But hey, everyone has a different comfort level, right? Yea.

I can't wait for spring. It's gonna' rock. I'll turn 16 and get my lisence (hopefully the same day!!! *crosses fingers*). I'll go to California over Spring Break, and we get to get the Falcon out. I'm pretty sure I get to drive it most of the time, like to school and stuff. Except on game days. I'm deeply excited about this whole thing. Why can't we just skip from December to March? That would be just grand!

I love the Killers. Estan muy bien! I love Mr. Brightside, it's one of my favorites on the CD.

Okay I'll see ya' later. Stay cool.
(ha, that was way corny. Oh well.)

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01-03-05 7:11pm

Didn't I tell you that day at tennis that the killers are like the greatest band EVER!! Yeah so love Somebody Told Me and Smile Like you Mean It. Agree totally with the skipping winter and going ahead. Yeah...

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Re:, 01-04-05 3:58pm

you're right. why did i not listen. lol.

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01-04-05 9:04am

Somebody Told Me...thats a horrible song, totally over played. but i love the killers specailly Mr. Brightside is a totally bomb diggity song *cries* beautiful. but your video is so freaken ho lary arse that i was like in ters *A* material totally.

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Re:, 01-04-05 3:58pm

thank you deeply dear! you rock.

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