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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 1-5-2005 at 11:54am
Current mood: high
Music: people in my gov't class.
Subject: Impossible is nothing
Hola people! I'm in gov't right now. It's grandish. The whole first half of the hour all I did was look at yearbook pictures on Allie's computer. 'Twas joyful. I was reading everybodie's journals, and it seems that many people were writing in la escuela. Crazy crap doggy.

So, I have nothing to say really. I think I'll go play games now. Chao my people.
66666655555444411222333 -Allie's lovely art work. (Allie who rocks!)

2 months and 14 days
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01-05-05 9:16pm

to your comment to me -

Im good i guess. cedar is as good as cedar can be right now. Schools good, all is well for me. Yourself?

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