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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 1-7-2005 at 4:37pm
Current mood: curious
Music: The Killers
Subject: Hey shut up, hey shut up
This week wiped me out. I am so tired, but I'm going to the game anyway, and then the dance. I just can't pass up a dance.

So certain people have majorly been annoying me lately. I'm so anti-conflict when it comes to my friends though, I just don't like confronting people. I just wait until it all builds up inside me way too much and then I freak out. Yea, not good. But I have no clue how to change it. It takes a lot to make me that mad anyway I suppose, so it's not like a scream at people on a weekly basis or anything.

Yep, I am officially obsessed with the Killers. Love them. Rockin' band man. For real. If you don't have their CD get it right now. Go get in your car and drive to the nearest CD selling store and buy it! Now!

Larissa let Steph borrow her Da Vince Code book. It's really cool. I read a few chapters. Very fast start. It kinda' slows down, though, after the first 4 or so chapters. I'm hoping it'll speed back up again. I'm glad to have a book to read again finally. It's nice.

Well I shall be off. I hope to see, or at least hear, you at the game. Chao amigos.

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Don't get mad, GET GLAD!, 01-07-05 8:14pm

I'm sorry your so annoyed Jacqui! So like it's not me that youre mad it? Cuz i don't remember doing anythign bad......if it is I'm sorry

Yeah I'm the same way kinda. Like I'm really subtle when I'm getting annoyed (example: I get more sarcastic but most people don't realize) That and I usually get quieter around people who make me mad before I go off on them. So yeah I guess I'm like you too, kinda a ticking time bomb eh?

Jen loves the Da Vince Code too and tried to get me to read it but i didn't want to. Speaking of books i have a few overdue ones...eek.

Killers Rule!!!!

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Re: Don't get mad, GET GLAD!, 01-08-05 4:33pm

you should read it het. it really is awesome!

don't worry my dear. out of all our friendly years i have never once been mad at you. you're the one who helps me be happy! lol. love ya' hetty poo!

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