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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 1-8-2005 at 4:34pm
Music: Spiderman soudtrack
Subject: Rock, it's what we're all about it's what we live for, come on shout it out!
I had fun yesterday. Lots and lots of fun. At the game I sat by Larissa (wagner) who I never get to see anymore. It was cool. I felt bad for Steph though, Ellie was kinda' ignoring her. She tends to do that a lot without realizing it.

The dance was cool. They only played a couple slow songs. That's good, slow songs are boring. They, very evily, played all the awesome songs right in a row. I was so tired after that! lol. We got a bunch of people doing the alligator during takin' care of business. It was grand. Josh Morris and Josh Aungst (sp?) were right there doing the dance with us. They were like, the only guys willing. It's really tiring but SO fun! Evil thing is though, they only gave us one song to breath before playing Cha Cha Slide. Mean mean people. lol. It was grand though, very grand.

Well I suppose I shall be off now. Chaoisms.

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01-09-05 2:31pm

what's the alligator?

that's how you spell his last name

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