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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 1-10-2005 at 6:59pm
Current mood: pained
Music: What's this -The nightmare before christmas
Subject: I am dead.
Conditioning kills all people. I swear I almost passed out a few times there. I've never done dot drills in softball before. Nor have we ever done stairs and running the same day. Ugh, Mr. Reed just wants to kill us all. Not really, it just feels better when you have someone to blame. Every single inch of my body aches. I shake when I pick up the tiniest things. It's so sad. The weight lifting wasn't horrible, but the rest could've killed me! I can't wait for Wednesday, all we're doing is hitting. Grand.

Okay I have to go now. Smallville is on man. Chao.

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01-10-05 9:24pm

Um yeah so i almost passed out. Remember when you were buying the water and i was standing there staring out into space? Yeah i was trying my hardest not to like pass out or puke. Twas great fun eh?

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Re:, 01-11-05 9:04pm

know the feeling. i'm glad we ran first. weights weren't so bad after having lived through that workout. the abs sucked though! who has that much stomach muscle!? besides katie that is. blah. death. but at least tomorrow it's just the cages. i love batting. i SO claim you now as my catch partner chica! oh yea, mucho! i need my heather!!!! hehe. okay chao now amiga.


p.s. are you going to tennis next tuesday? you so should! we get to play singles. call coach and ask!

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