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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 1-11-2005 at 8:46pm
Current mood: cold
Music: Kansas
Subject: Tennis rules! Exams suck monkey toes.
So I had tennis after escuela today. Fun mucho man. I played doubles with Katie against her big brother and Addison. It was way funny. The guys had no clue how to play at all. They thought you had to hit the ball to the area behind where you're actually suppose to hit it. It was so great. I'm gonna' go next Tuesday too. We get to play singles! Bomb diggity!!

Exams are the worst invention ever! Even in the classes where I don't have exams I have super hard annoying crap to do. I'll give you the basics here:
English- story using 25 psat vocab. words
Geometry- exam
Government- test then exam
Spanish- nada (thank the lord for crowley)
Art- our latest project is our exam. mine's okay, but not as good as I thought it would be. blah.

Yea, you see my brain was way fried today because of all the reviews we were doing in my classes. In chemistry I didn't have anyone to ask for help even, because Katie was being a butt and kinda' dragged Jenny over to the darkside. Ugh. I swear, I am all stressed out with no one to choke and that's never good!! Sorry guys, I just need to vent. Writing it down makes me feel better. Of course tomorrow when I stand in the batting cages and pretend the ball is exams and peoples heads I feel even better. Plus I'll get about a billion would-be homeruns! hehe.

Okay I'm gonna' leave now. Chaoness. Love times 12 1/2

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01-11-05 9:56pm

there isn't an exam in government my love

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Re:, 01-12-05 3:48pm

for real? i swore he said we were having an exam friday.. blah. i obviously need to listen harder. okay, that's good.

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01-13-05 3:50pm

I love you too Jay

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