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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 1-12-2005 at 3:49pm
Current mood: annoyed
Music: Mixture
Subject: Snow day.
Okay, I love snow days, really I do, but not today. Today is the worst day ever to have a snow day!! I was suppose to have a super big gov't test, I needed to finish my art project, I needed to finish my story for english... it just sucks. Plus we would've had softball tonight! The good kind of softball where you just hit and play catch and stuff. I'm way annoyed here. Grr... on our school! Grrr..........

Yea, is it super foggy by everyone else too? Cuz I can barely see the tree on the other side of the yard. As a matter of fact, I can barely see the other side of the yard! Crazy.

We got this thing called "cardio salsa". It's an excersize tape, I assume you all knew that, but I had to say it just in case. So yea, Steph and I decided to try it today. Awesome thing man. It teaches you really cool dance steps, plus it's a wonderful workout. We decided we're gonna' do it once a week. Fun stuff!

Alrighty, I'm done. Chao.

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01-12-05 5:59pm

it seems no one is happy with today being a snow day.........weird eh?

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Re:, 01-12-05 6:48pm

I'm perfectly happy with it. :o)

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Re:, 01-12-05 8:40pm

tis weird. i agree.

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