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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 1-14-2005 at 4:01pm
Current mood: confused
Music: Relient K
Subject: I am a horrible person.
I give up.
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01-14-05 4:28pm

JEKYLL!! Alright A) you are not a horrible person: You are so totallaly ... totaly...whatever...awesome and B) It's not very good to give up.

So what's wrong?

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Re:, 01-14-05 4:43pm

ALright i just read your xanga and i know whats wrong now. Don't worry about it Jeq. It'll be fine.
_ _

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Re: Re:, 01-14-05 9:37pm

yea, katie called like right after i wrote in my xanga. we talked for almost 3 hours. everything is good again and we are happy and i feel like a drama queen. but i hate being hated... so i wasn't happy. gracias para the helpfullness.

are you tennising monday or tuesday? i think i am both days, but i'm not totally sure.

katie wants to go to the game too. we could make it a party!! yay! lol. okay chao-age

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Re: Re: Re:, 01-15-05 4:36pm

Monday? there is tennis monday. Well no cuz i think I'm ad sale-ing

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Re: Re: Re:, 01-20-05 3:59pm

i love being left out of the loop! :)

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01-15-05 1:25am

u are fucking hott thats all i care about you sexy bitch

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Re:, 01-17-05 8:49pm

you are the hottest of the hott! rock on!

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01-15-05 2:54pm

well since i don't know ANYTHING about xanga or whatever, is this about katie? if not than ignore that and tell me what's wrong, you're not terrible

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Re:, 01-17-05 8:50pm

it was about katie. it's gone... kinda'. but yea. i'll tell ya' about it tomorrow.

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01-15-05 9:43pm

ok first, you're not a horrible person. i've known you long enough to know without a doubt that you are awesome. and second, i didn't know you have xanga! what is it? luv you MUCH!


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Re:, 01-17-05 8:51pm

xanga- Jeanie_Bean

you rock rere. i love you.

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