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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 2-2-2003 at 11:26am
Apparently a convo between Jessie & Heidi while I was sleeping:

Twister 10: there's some asian chick somewhere who has my breasts
Twister 10: and I fucking want them back
pinkwombat13: haha
pinkwombat13: vivi!
Twister 10: that WHORE!
pinkwombat13: ah, boobs, the makers of great conversations.

Vivi = enfermo.
sick sick sick sick
bleh it sucks. I've slept more hours then i've been awake this weekend. Got to see my Chris on Friday which made me happy.(even though I was sleeping the whole time:0/)

now... to orchestra to study bio. (haha tell me if that makes any sense :0P)

au revoir
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02-02-03 2:20pm

Oh, you missed the begining of the conversation. We're talking about body types and I was complaining how I seriously got screwed over. I mean, I have the plump, small body of a nice southern italian country girl, yet I'm missing the expansive bossom.

Yeah. I freaking want those breasts back, bitch.

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"how come you never read my journal anymore?", 02-02-03 6:50pm

um, yeah. what was that about them lacking logical 'flow'?

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