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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 1-17-2005 at 8:35pm
Current mood: geeky
Music: none a'tall
Subject: The glass isn't gonna' break.
So I went to Zac's hockey game. It was grand funness. He won. Go Springs Cedar! woot! lol. Don't ask.

I went to Kari's birthday party on Saturday. It was grand. We played ping pong and pool and twister. Then we ate pizza and chips and pop and watched Troy. That is a fricken awesome movie! Really it is. I wanna' watch it again, we talked through some of it and I'm pretty sure it'd be better if I watched the whole thing.

Yep, that was my weekend. Fun stuffin's. Tomorrow it's back to the torture chamber. Fun stuff! NOT. Oh well. Chao.

-Jay Kay-
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01-17-05 9:11pm

Okay the whole bouncy ball things was totally embarrasing kid.

And you actually believed me!

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Re:, 01-18-05 7:02pm

i so didn't believe you! ugh. i was kidding around just like you guys were!

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01-20-05 3:55pm

You, so totally did believe us. I know it and Heather knows it. Yes, the game was fun what part you and i both saw. Oh, did i mention that his mother thought i was cute! You have to let me see that picture.

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