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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 1-18-2005 at 7:43pm
Current mood: blank
Subject: Hi.
I'm so tired. I wasn't before, but I am now. It's really random. I'm sick of messenger. I never get to talk to the people I want to, only the people that I really don't want to at all. Blah.

So my classes are about the same. English is just crazier than before. Econ's not horrible. I majorly dislike that we have assigned seats though. I miss Allie. I love her. I need her to sit by me in order to live. If I can't talk to her I get bored super fast. Grrr... on Coop for seperating us. Yea, the only other real change is the amount of people in my art class. It's kinda' annoying having tons of people. Not like it was really empty before. But we added a fourth person to the table now, Nick Hazen. He's way cool. It's nice to have a guy to mix it up a bit. Kinda' boring when it's just us girls. Though I suppose Jamie and Cory did visit bunches. Still do, but yea. Anyway, fun stuff.

Okay I'm really just boring myself and probably you so I'll be off now. Chaoness. Love times twelve and a half.

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01-18-05 8:10pm

aw i love you too

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