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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 1-20-2005 at 9:20pm
Current mood: blank
Subject: Who's got the button?
Since when does Katie have a woohu? Why was I not informed of this!? That's happy news here people!

Okay so, this morning I felt like death. For real. I felt better just before we left for school. But then I did my makeup in the car (I always do... I'm slow in the morning!) and I felt like death again when we got to school. We sat in the car listening to the radio because I didn't wanna' get out. Blah. Stupid mornings... they all suck! Anyway, the rest of the day was pretty good. I think I broke even on the good day-o-meter.

Yea, in art today Cory called me a whore. But he did it without actually saying the words. Of course Jamie was awfully proud of him for it. Grr... on them both. They are funny though, so I'll forgive 'em. I wonder why people do that so often? Apparently I am an easy target or something. Yea, whatever.

Why is it that both the conditioning days that I would've gotten to bat have been snow days? I find that insanely annoying and cruel!! Blah. Grrr on that. Yea, oh well. I'll hit next week... hopefully. We can't have snowdays every Wednesday, can we?

Lalala. I have to do another research paper for Millard's class. Stupid stupid. This one's on Capital Punishment. I'm against. This time it's not just because it's easier to write. I really think that it's wrong. Hopefully I'll continue my 100% on every paper (except that one) in her class thing. That'd be great. I doubt it though, research papers are WAY not my thing.

So I really don't know what else to say. S'pose I'll be off. Chao. Love times 650 times 5!

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01-22-05 12:13pm

Everytime i click on Katie's name though it gives me an error. SO i dunno.

Yeah it really does suck we haven't been able to bat.

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01-27-05 3:51pm

Um... maybe it's because Katie doesn't have a woohu! Or I guess you never thought of that did ya.

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