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tails (profile) wrote,
on 1-20-2005 at 10:36pm
Current mood: contemplative
Music: Less Than Jake - Look What Happend
Subject: Subjective Evidence
Are they out to get me? cause i really feel like it sometimes. like they are right next to me im hugging them and saying i love them....they could just be waiting to fucking slash me down. what if i say one thing wrong strike the wrong key cut the wrong wire so to speak. im afraid. i feel like im walking on eggshells around them. im really scared. the evidence is pilling up and im shooting it all down with concreate truths. but still, is any of it real? or would it all fall to peices and shatter around me if i said one thing wrong, one thing happened if just one note was sung out of key?
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01-21-05 6:42am

Yeah, we're just waiting for you to make one mistake so we can fuck you up!

(reply to this)


01-21-05 6:49am

I know how you feel.

And that will happen, because it's a big group of bitches.
I'm not kidding, heh.

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01-21-05 4:24pm

Talk to me, Bum.

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01-21-05 10:45pm

It's rather sad i even have to think about these thoughts and sadly enough someone who will post to this comment is one of the people im afriad of....

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