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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 1-22-2005 at 2:26pm
Current mood: amused
Subject: I need a new bandana
I had a happy time at the game yesterday. We hung out with the funnest group of people EVER! hehe. It really was grand. I love games, they are beautiful and happy. Yea, I'm really happy right now. Ya' noticed? hehe. I haven't been this happy in a long time. But I am.

The roads suck monkey toes so Jessi cancelled her skating thing. I guess that's fine since I really didn't know if I wanted to go or not anyway. But my dad won't let us go to card night tonight either! No fun!! I love card night. Especially at Ariana's house. We can play pool and cards and video games. Plus we were gonna' go sledding out onto the lake. It's about the funnest and most painful activity ever! I love it, even though I walk away with bruises on every single part of my body. hehe. Yea, I'm sad that we can't go. But overall I'm still happy.

I feel the need to go build a snowman. Maybe I will. Sounds just delightful, and I haven't built one in years. I should. I think I will.

Okay chao now my people. Love times 12.

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sadness, 01-22-05 2:48pm

I know i would totally have loved you to come over today... stupid roads.

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01-22-05 9:28pm

no you dont, your bandana is fine!!! :P

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Re:, 01-23-05 6:03pm

yea, except I put it in Adam's bag for a second before I left, and then forgot that it was there and gave him the bag. yea, i'm brilliant. lol.

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