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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 1-23-2005 at 6:07pm
Current mood: cold
Music: Commercials
Subject: We are family.
So, this weekend has been okay. Not incredibly eventful, but weekends rarely are. Ariana wanted me to go to her house and sled today, but our mom's were both in a 'I'm-not-leaving-this-house' mood today. So yea, no biggie. I stayed in and read my book all day. I'm almost half way done now. I'm reading The Da Vinci Code. Larissa lent it to us to read. It's super good! I find it crazy that it's "real".

Last night was fun. My dad, Steph and I watched this DVD of the Red Skelton show. It's so freakin' hilarious. It's kinda' like the SNL of that day. All of it's black and white though. Still it was fun.

I didn't fall asleep last night until around 2 or 2:30 in the morning! It was so dumb. No reason for it either. I was way tired. Crazy stuff man.

Okay I'm gonna' fly away now. Chao my people. Love times some random high number!

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01-23-05 7:24pm

I so wish you could have come over today. It seems like every time we were supposed to go to each others houses it never happens but when we didnt plan happens. Oh well I know i will see you next weekend.

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01-23-05 8:07pm

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