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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 1-24-2005 at 8:53pm
Current mood: blah
Subject: I'm so tired... so so so tired.
I wish I wasn't so tired all the time. I have never fallen asleep during school, never even wanted to, until today. I swear. The whole me being super tired thing was added to by the fact that my classes (minus chem.) were overly boring today. Grr... on boring classes. Grrr.

Yea, I think it should be outlawed to have fun in chemistry. I'd never have believed I could laugh that much in a science class. I hate science. The only science I don't hate is physics. And that's just cuz I'm weird. Yet, I'm always having the best time in chem. Today was just friggen hilarious! I love that class deeply. Awesome.

So I went to Zac's game with Katie. We sat with Ben and talked to him the whole time. I think I watched the game 5 times in 2 second intervals. It was pretty sad considering that's why we went. But Ben is fun, and I had a good time talking to him. I've missed him this year greatly mucho.

Conditioning wasn't as bad this time. Probably because I've been more active recently. When I went to do lunges though, my legs gave out. They hurt so bad! I felt like I did right after my "surgery". Like I was gonna' collapse and had no power at all over my legs. That, my dears, is a terrible feeling. I do not recomend it.

Well, that's about it. Or I should say, that's all I feel the need to talk about in here. Have a beautiful day. Love mucho

-Jay Bean-
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01-27-05 3:47pm

So did you ever figure out what Ben was talking about?

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Re:, 01-28-05 2:08pm

no... gay.

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