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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 1-25-2005 at 7:44pm
Current mood: exhausted
Music: GRD
Subject: For every dream that's shattered another one comes true.
How's everybody else today? I'm okay. Tennis was fun. I'm gonna' miss it tons!!! Yea, it's what I'd call an obsession... or a passion. Maybe both. Either way, it sucks that it's done and over with now. *tear*

I'm getting really sick of school. Last semester was way cool, this one, however, just sucks. I'm drained. Blah. Grrr... on school. I cannot wait for midwinter break.

So, when exactly is swirl? Everybody's talking about who they're going with, and I didn't even know it was coming up. I feel dumb. lol. Oh well. I just assume we'll all go together as always. The tradition, though it's only one year old, stands.

Johnathon totally killed my hand today. Evil boy. I have a huge red line running across the side of my hand that is sore as sam hill. It's just lovely. I love him to death, but the boy is abusive.

Yea, I'm just kinda' rambling on so I s'pose I'll go now. Love ya' tons and bunches and tons again!

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01-25-05 8:10pm

I Share The Feeling Of Mental Drain.

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01-25-05 8:14pm

no kidding, this one does suck

I BET IT'S ECON!! hahahahaha i hate that class

any ideas for a picture for my journal

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