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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 1-25-2005 at 9:05pm
Current mood: reflective
Subject: Blast from the past...
I was reading some entries I wrote from last year. It was crazy. Lots of stuff I haven't thought about in a long long time came back to me in an insane rush.

You remember biology last year Al? The last couple weeks of school... a certain someone and I? Yea, that was funny. I can't believe it ever happened. History way repeated itself this year though. lol. He gave me his phone number and said to call him. I think we should go to a movie. Bring Caleb and Chad too. A reunion. Plus then I wouldn't be way creeped out by going on a "date" with *him*. lol. Yea, that'd be quite weird eh?

I also thought about some of the stupid things that happened during softball. lol. Funny stuff. I swear though, it was like a death wish just being on that team!! hehe. But it was WAY fun. Lets just hope this year is as lovely.

Yea, that's about it. I just had to share my reflection on that beautiful time. Happy days to you all.

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01-26-05 4:10pm

of course i remember, that would be WAY weird if you two went out

i will NOT go to the movies with him and chad and caleb

you maybe but not them (mostly caleb)

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Re:, 01-26-05 7:37pm

lol, yea. i was kidding. that would be WAY too creepy!

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01-27-05 3:46pm

So... did you read the entrie that you wrote at like the end of April last year. Yes, you're right a lot of crazy stuff happened last year. But for one I never thought you would write that about me and not talk to me about it. Anywho, love ya mucho!

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Re:, 01-28-05 2:07pm

you wrote an entry? you have a woohu? i mean, you did then? i'm so confused katie. ya' gotta' help me out here. and you have to tell me why i get that error message!!!

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Re: Re:, 02-03-05 4:08pm

No, i ddin't write a entry. I was talking about the entry that you wrote in the begining of May last year. I don't have a woohu. Thats the forth time that i have told you this.

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Re: Re: Re:, 02-03-05 7:15pm

i'm super confused about which entry this was. what'd i say?? if you don't have a woohu how do you have a name? i'm way confused over here chica!! help!

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Re: Re: Re: Re:, 02-04-05 1:10pm

Remind me to tell you tonight. It's to hard to explain on here.

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