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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 1-31-2005 at 12:02am
Current mood: Depressed/Happy
Music: Simple Plan
So, I need to plan a trip to Wisconsin. Life always has the worst timing doesn’t it?

Had a great time in GR with Jason and everyone. I was surprised so many people from K-Zoo came up. It was weird to be in a position where I was the new guy again, hasn’t happened in a while. Ryan made a good impression; he seemed to fit in with the group right away. It helps that he’s cute too.
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01-31-05 10:24am


I had a lot of fun.

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01-31-05 11:50pm

Yes, much fun was had by all. I heart you Joe. during our talk tonight Amanda and I talked for like 20 minutes just about how much we love you.

Ryan did seem to fit in, and it does help that he is almost makes a person forget he is a player....almost.

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Re:, 02-01-05 12:11am

Dammit Joe, you're so gay. ^_^

Alicia and I did talk for a long time about how much we loved you. I hope you feel special, because darn it, you are. :-)

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