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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-2-2005 at 7:00pm
Current mood: alive
Music: nada
Subject: Rubber ducky you're the one...
So, today seemed really bad. I'm not sure why though. Looking back, the only part that seriously sucked was after/ during 6th hour. Our sub in that class was so incredibly dumb. Even Liz didn't like her, and she was only in the class for a second. Yea, the fact that I didn't want to draw in the least bit didn't help either. This project is SO stupid. I dislike it times a million. We have to draw whatever object we're given in a few different ways and then we have to go over it in pen or sharpie. Now, this would be fine, except that our projects look horrible after we go over them in black. The pencil looks WAY cooler. For real. So yea.

Anyway you know how dumb I am? Honestly do you? I opened my locker today only to have Johnathon close it two seconds later. So I went to open it again and I couldn't. I tried at least 10 times... then I asked other people to help me. I told them what I thought my combination was (I really don't remember, normally it's automatic), but no one could open it. So I tried again. Finally I decided to ask someone for a key. I couldn't find one, so I went to the attendence office to ask them for my combo. I had been doing it wrong. I not only had two of the numbers switched, but I also had one completely wrong. I felt so stupid. The whole experience to 15 minutes. After that I went to the band hallway to meet Steph with Heather. Het, being a person who likes being early rather than on time, was thinking we were gonna' be late so I had no time to just sit down. It was beautiful. Plus, we were suppose to give Ariana a ride and we were rushing so much that we left earlier than planned and she had to walk. I feel SO incredibly bad about that. Ugh. Yea, I was not having a fun time. And softball. I love it to death, but I dislike hitting when that's all you can do. I need to throw! But the cheerleaders were in the gym today, so there was no room at all. Blah. Grrr... on cheerleaders. Yea, sorry. I just had to vent a bit.

Other than that crap my day was pretty average. I don't want to go tomorrow, but that's normal I suppose. So, whatever.

Who's going to the dance after the game Friday? I am!! Woo!! lol. Yea, I'm a dance freak.

Okay I must be off now. Hope you all had a kick butt day! Chao y amor.

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02-03-05 5:50pm

I'm sorry :(

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02-03-05 5:51pm

I'm sorry :(

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Re:, 02-03-05 7:13pm

Sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like I was mad at you. As I've said before, that never happens. I was just annoyed with the situation. I love you Het!!!!!

-Scarecrowy Jekyll- ;)

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