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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-3-2005 at 8:00am
Current mood: tired
Music: My english class.
Subject: Hello Darlin'... it's been a long time
Hola people. I'm in English right now. I typed my research paper at home yesterday so I'm really bored right now. That's okay though. It's really nice to just chill for a while. School is starting to be more stressful lately, and I do not appreciate it.

So how is everyone's first hour going? Good I hope. I'm kinda' excited about next hour. Hopefully we'll take our assesment today and then tomorrow we'll just get to make corrections and do extra credit. Days like that rule!!

You know, I'm a perfectionist. Not with everything, just with English. I need to have everything be perfect. I need to get a perfect grade, and I need to write a perfect paper. It's freakin' crazy! I try not to be like that, I feel that when I am I miss the big picture. It's just not that easy to back out of a habit. Especially when lit is my favorite class and my favorite subject. Well, I'll just see how it goes.

So who's going to the game Friday. Shelly's sick so she's probably not, Ariana's going to her dad's so she's not, and those are the two people I usually go with. Steph's going to the dance after with me, so I know I'll have someone to hang out with there. But I need a game friend!!!

Okay I should get going. I'll talk to ya' later ya'll. Have a party-rific day. Love ya' lots times 5.

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02-03-05 4:16pm

I'm going on friday...but you probably don't care since you won't see me. Do you really care about me at all? Oh... I hate chemistry so much I think it should die. So where was Jenny today? Well got to go. Love ya tons!!!!!!

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Re:, 02-03-05 7:12pm

of course i care about you katie! I love you. We just never get a time to hang out anymore without thirty thousand people around. It sucks.

Are you going to the game to play or to hang out? If you're playing I'll try and come talk. Although that normally doesn't work out since Zac and Justine tend to surround you!

okay, chao for now.

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Re: Re:, 02-04-05 1:08pm

Well, I love you too. So of course I'm going to the game to play so that i don't have to play anymore. Anywho, they don't surround me! THe next two games I will come and watch so that way you and I can talk ok...

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