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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-6-2005 at 2:13pm
Current mood: excited
Music: Music Choice
Subject: GO PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!!
I had a pretty fun weekend. Friday I went to the game and the dance. Good times. I hung out with some people that I don't normally get a chance to. Fun stuff. On Saturday I went to Thunder Nationals with mi familia. T'was fun. We know Joselyn, the driver of Lil' Miss Dangerous, so we got free tickets. Gotta' love connections. Her husband, Jeff, said they're making new T-shirts and we get a few when they're done! I'm excited about that one! I have an obsession with all motorized items. Especially customized vehicles with huge engines. Yea, I feel tomboyish now.

I cannot wait for the super bowl to start!!!! The patriots are gonna' kick some eagle butt!! No one can beat Tom Brady! If they lose I'd be WAY dissapointed. I love the patriots!

Yea, that's about all. Oh, I got done reading my book. The ending was really good! I have this crazy feeling that it actually happened though, I do that with all books. I'll read them and think of them as if the events that surround the stories really happened. I guess that's kind of good because it means I have a vivid imagination, then again, it could be bad. It could mean I have a hard time telling reality from fantasy. Although, I think it's more that I wish I could leave this reality and travel to the one inside the book. Sometimes this one is a little more than I want to deal with, books are a good escape.

Okay I should get going. I have to clean now. Chaoism.

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02-06-05 5:20pm

i do that too, like if it's cold outside but summer in a book, then i get hot and if it's the other way around, i get cold....i'm crazy like that i guess..i love it when that happens in a book means it's really good

you need to stay in our world darlin....we'd die without least i would, i couldn't take econ without you......

love ya

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Twins, 02-06-05 6:17pm

I do the exact same thing my dear. I get so lost in it I think of the people as real people. It's crazy

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