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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-8-2005 at 8:12pm
Current mood: chilly
Music: television
Subject: 39 days!!!! Woo woo!
So this week's been... weeky. Nothing special really. Monday was conditioning. It rocked because the varsity wasn't there. It was all of the sophomores, that's it, no freshmen. That ruled! Sorry about the stall door thing Het. lol. So didn't mean to! Yea, the locker room in a good place for odd things to happen. ;)

I was doing my art project and we have to use sharpie to re-draw the lines in it, so now all I can smell is marker. I can almost taste it. YUCKY!!!!

We started reading "To Kill a Mocking Bird" today in english. Good book so far. I wanted to keep reading it, but we had to stop after the first chapter. Dumb. I'm thinking this'll be one of those I'm-done-in-a-week-but-it-takes-everyone-else-two things. I can't just stop reading a book. It's like a crazy disease or something, but for some reason teachers tend to not like that. Hmm... oh well. I'm sure Allie and Ariana will probably read it super fast too, they tend to be booky like me.

So yea, I had C-lunch today because of the test in Coop's class. I way don't like that class. I think the lowest that I had in gov't all semester was a 96% because it was super freakin' easy... but this class is hard. I'm pretty sure I'll end up with lower than a 96%. The test today was way harder than it should've been. WAY harder. Maybe it's because I don't care. Government I care about, economics I don't. It's there, woohu! *eye roll* Yea, sorry, I'll stop whining now.

I like C-lunch better than ours. It's got M-dawg and Jenny and Melanie and Ann and a bunch of other people that I rarely see throughout the day. It even has Kitty!! I miss Kitty!!!!!! Yea, B-lunch is okay, but I don't know, I'm not incredibly excited about the fact that we have only around 6 or 7 people at our table. It gets really really boring. Blah. Oh well.

Yep, that's about all for now. I suppose I'll be off. Chao my people.


Het, is it okay if Yacky comes to our party? I love her, and she loves all of us... except Shelly, I don't think they know eachother. But yea, that would rock. If it's okay, can you put her on the list? Please and Thank You! :D I love you. Chao.
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02-08-05 10:05pm

i will read that book fast, i might not get ALL of it, but i figure in a week and a half i'll be done

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02-09-05 7:05pm

I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE To Kill a Mocking Bird. Its so incredibly great.

Yeah I don't care if Yackaly comes.

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Re:, 02-10-05 4:34pm

Why do you call her Yackaly. That's just creepy. lol. I like Yacky better... because that's what she calls me! hehe.

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