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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-9-2005 at 6:55pm
Current mood: drained
Subject: (83*15)+77
Yep, Toro is my human calculator. I swear, that kid is scary sometimes! It's so awesome though, you can just say a random math problem and he'll tell you the answer in like, 3 seconds. I love that kid!! lol. Yea, he's awesome.

Guess what?! It's Reed's birthday today!!! He's 44! That is older than my dad, which is crazy since his kids are super younger than me! But yea, Happy Birthday Reed... even though you'll never read that! ;)

So practice was cool. I got to watch the freshmen guys "learn to fall". lol... you had to be there, it was hilarious!! It sucked that they were practicing though, I was really looking forward to playing on the actual gym floor.

Okay, I think that's about it. Chao amigos. Love.

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02-10-05 4:07pm

Hey... you really need to stop calling me fish. I need a new nickname anyways. Why he's called that I don't know and probably don't want to. So... did you see their creation in the band room or was it taken down. Well that's it . Love ya tons!

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Re:, 02-10-05 4:33pm

the band room was locked... so I was denied the joys of seeing the creation. Steph told me it's a fort though.

I have no idea what your nickname should be. Normally I get peoples nicknames from things they do. Like M-dawg I got from calling Miranda M-da which was brought on because my grandmama's nickname is da. Yea, confusing... but it worked. Puffy is because of Ariana's coat. Hyde is because Heather called me Jekyll and we're "twins". You see... your nickname will come to be sooner or later. Just don't know when. Although, I think Burner would be appropriate! ;) lol j/k.

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Re: Re:, 02-17-05 3:51pm

ok... so i only got burned twice. One was my fault the other was yours. So i suppost that the next time Jen will burn me or Brittney. Or hey i could do it to myself again. You have known me for like five years i have done pelenty of stupid things. Love ya tons!!!!!

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