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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-16-2005 at 9:28pm
Current mood: bouncy
Music: Alias
Subject: All you need is love...
Test's suck!!!!! I wish them dead!! I have two right in a row tomorrow! One in Chemistry and the other in Econ. which means I'll be joining the C-lunch crowd. Fun stuffin's.

Lauren gave me this REALLY pretty frame with a picture of us before swirl in it... it's SO cute!!! I love it!!!

Josh is gonna' get beat up. The kid like's Lauren and won't tell her. So he wants me to ask her if she likes him. I don't do that stuff! I feel bad if the person says no! Oh well, I'll do it. Then he'll stop.

Okay I'm gonna' go now. Chao peoples. Love ya' all times all the words in all my journal entries so far!

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02-17-05 3:29pm

hey what do you have in econ? i have a b+, i'm going to talk to him about it...grrr

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