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tails (profile) wrote,
on 2-16-2005 at 10:47pm
Current mood: Dead
Subject: Fuck me
So I Just Figured Out That the next 7 years of my life are going to be fucking hell....thanks to bonnie proper. see i figured out that over the last 17 years (maybe more at least the years of my life) my ex-mother bonnie had been racking up 10,000 dollar debts in credit cards over and over and over and over and over and over again.card after card my dad had to do morgatge after morgate refience after refience so he could pay off my mothers bills....finally last year after the divorce he paid off the final debit and built his life back up strong. now we have all the money we need and plenty to spare....but. thanks to bonnie there was never enough money left over to put anything near college so ive never had a college fund EVER. all the money that was supposed to go to my college fund never made its way there cause bonnie had to buy everything on the fucking earth cause she thought plastic meant free money. so for the next 7 years i will be earning my way through college along side my father. struggling year after year. thanks mom.
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02-17-05 12:34am

same boat...

except that my mom is paying off her own debt with her 25,000 a year income... which means she's dirt poor...

and my step mom and my dad together make almost 88,000 a year but just refuse to help me pay for my college that cost me 28,000 a year.

totally fucking sucks man...

but college is worth it.

just maybe not Alma...

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02-17-05 9:16am

I have to do the samething. It's going to suck.

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02-17-05 9:45am

I wouldnt worry to much about-despite how fucked up the government is--they really love to give away free money...

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02-17-05 12:13pm

well your parents are divorced, that probably qualifies you for some kinda grant there.

seirously, unless your going to some insanely priced college i dont think its that bad to pay for..

student loans are low interest and low payments.

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02-17-05 3:24pm

Im sorry.. I never had a college fund either.. My mother told me last night that if she can't afford to pay for part of my college after we find out what i'll get from financial aid, I might not be going.

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02-17-05 4:49pm

I dont get anything for college either, my parents wont help at all.

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02-17-05 4:57pm

*hugs* it will be ok.

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02-17-05 9:38pm

you get a pell grant from the state b/c your parents are divorced. .
also, go to for scholarship oppurtunities, it's awesome.
if you need further assistance, just come talk to me!
love you,
your fave whore!

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02-17-05 11:51pm

fuck her.
youll make it

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02-18-05 12:26am

You know it really makes me feel alot better to know that im not the only one who will struggle *hugs for all* thanks alot guys i know now i can do it.

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02-18-05 10:17am

Yep, same boat minus the credit cards.

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