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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-17-2005 at 9:05pm
Current mood: dorky
Music: Graduation (friends forever)
Subject: As we go on, we remember all the times we've had together.
I had a fricken awesome night!! You have no idea! It was funny as monkeys doing the can can! lol. We went to Zac's game and hung out there an hour after the actual game ended! It was grrreat! Yep, mucho!

Tim burned me dos discos compatos. Yep, they rule to the power of 12 and a half!!!

Yep, I really don't have much to say here. Hmm...

Oh my goodness guys! Do you have any idea how cool Millard is? She rocks! When I walked into class today she complimented me on my hat and then she said "you need a cane with that hat." So I told her that I had one at home, I do, it rocks! Then she's like "you should've brought it. then you could hit the people who bug you!" I was like, "I think I'll loan it to you..." and she's like "Yea, really. 'Get away from my desk!'" and as she said it she pretended to swing a cane around! It was hilarious!!! No one was actually at her desk, but it was still funny as heck! lol. I love her.

So yep, I think that's all for today. Chao mis amigos. Love love love.

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02-18-05 11:19am

"It was funny as monkeys doing the can can!" have you ever seen a monkey doing the can-can? But yes that was the funniest night ever I do believe. Scary but funny. Especially when Zac was all looking for us after we "left". He he he. We should go again next week.

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