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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-20-2005 at 6:25pm
Current mood: crazy
Music: Nada
Subject: Hot cocoa good...
I was kinda' feeling the need to go enjoy the snow today. I have yet to do that this year... so I did. I went outside and built a snowman. He's SO cute!! Then I made a snow angel and wrote my name by it. And then I just sat outside for a bit, enjoying all that is winter. Now I feel as if I have experienced the full effect of Michigan winters. It was kinda' fun to just go play in the snow. Act like a little kid for a while and all. Yea, I kinda' miss the joy I used to get from sledding down the non-existant hills in our backyard. Hmm... fond memories of childhood. Yep, gotta' love it.

Now my hair is all wet though, and kinda' funky looking. I refused to wear a hat outside. Not smooth for the hair, but it wasn't any colder.

Tomorrow we're going shopping for Steph's prom dress. Fun stuff. JC Penny's has a sale on jeans and such, so we're going there too! I need new jeans like mad! Maybe I can get other new clothes too!! I'm a clothe's fanatic!!!!! lol.

Okay, I have to go now. Dinner time. Chao amigos.

-Jacqui Jean-
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02-20-05 7:17pm

now i want to go outside....

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Re:, 02-20-05 8:23pm

totally the point my dear! lol.

we should have a snow softball game!!! that would hard core rock!!

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