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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 2-21-2005 at 12:32pm
Current mood: annoyed
Music: Little Sister - Queens of the Stone Age
Subject: nastiness
my journal really pisses me off. I absolutly hate how i know nothing about computers at all, and i can't figure out anything about them.
i want to change my username because i am no longer obsessed with butterflies, i don't like the colors of my journal, i don't like the background.
I really want something that has to do with 3 Doors Down, Coldplay, Green day, or Smile Empty Soul. Now, seeing as how i know nothing, i don't even know if there are backgrounds with any of them.
I am completely helpless...but that's ok
I haven't heard from Karl since the 15th. I know that aint Really that long, but i'm still upset. i don't really have anything to be worried about seeing as how he's just in training and not over seas or anything, but....well i don't know. i worry to much about everything, so, send the guy i love away for 6 months and yeah, i'm bound to be a little crazy.
but that's ok too. He'll be fine...
dad said he could come down this summer for a while. yay!

Kelly, i love "little sister" and i just sit here and listen to it all the time now. wonderful song. I shall never doubt your taste in music ever again...well....not that i did anyways...umm....*runs away*
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02-21-05 3:52pm

Try out some classic 90' songs too.

Beck, maybe some Cake. Theyre not bad. Beck is popular, just not remembered. "Loser" "two turn tables(and a microphone)" That stuff.

Living Colour - "Cult of Personality"

ANd of course ill try to find some good reegea for you to try out.

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02-22-05 3:56pm

i am computer stupid when it comes to my journal so don't worry about it.

And umm yeah, i get stupid around guys so i couldn't even talk to kelly today.

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Re:, 02-22-05 5:33pm

lol don't worry about it, just go up to him and whisper "penis" in his ear. it should work like a charm ; ) lol nah, just be yourself...unless you're like me and normally just randomly shout out's rather fun

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