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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-23-2005 at 6:28pm
Current mood: frustrated
Music: Random Song
Subject: HI.
I update this a lot less than I used to. Know why? Because xanga's cooler. Yep... more fun there man.

Yea, not so good day. Not terrible. It really wasn't bad until practice, and even then only some parts were bad... but still. Yep, fun stuff.

I sent a letter to my grandparents last night. The ones that live in Costa Rica. Rob helped me write it en espanol, because I have no clue how to say half of those things. Anyway, they wrote back and said they loved it. My grandma was happy to be able to understand what it said, since she only speaks spanish that's rare. They also said that my spanish would improve greatly if I went there for a month to stay. My grandpa said it was "just a thought". That means, "we want you to come stay because we miss you!" in Ron DeFouw language. lol. Yea, I plan to go stay with them sooner or later! I'm excited now!!!

Okay, I'm out. Chao all. x~HUGS~x

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02-23-05 6:59pm

btw, i was just joking about you posting stupid stuff. its a journal. your life is why its here. duh

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Re:, 02-23-05 7:07pm

actually i read some past entries. i am super good at making short stories long. i'm workin' on it.

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02-23-05 8:02pm

XANGA FUCKING SUCKS!!!! its format is assine and hard to use i dont like it and i hate it and i bite my thumb at it.

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02-23-05 8:08pm

xanga sucks jacqui! you need to stay here!

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