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Banana (profile) wrote,
on 2-23-2005 at 9:56pm
Today was difinently draining. I got my ap history test done and over with. Conditioning was harder than usual. I actually had to work and improve. Usually Mr.Wagner is to busy to help me. I just finished babysitting my little sister. That would be from 5:30-9:00. At least Im getting paid. I finished reading chapter nine of "To Kill a Mockingbird" at school so thats one less thing to accomplish. I just finished writing notes that I did not have to type. I am such a geek!!! Well time for bed!
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02-24-05 10:24pm

I found that to be by far the most helpful thing I could find to help me truly appreciate that book.

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Re:, 02-25-05 5:25pm

Im confused...what is the most helpful thing?

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Re: Re:, 03-07-05 10:55pm

That url about the body of my comment will send you to a flash movie, about How to Kill a Mockingbird. It's wonderful.

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02-27-05 2:01pm

Jeez A. I haven't talked to you in forever! (a day is forever when it comes to talking to my best friend!!) I need to catch you up on a few things woman!!! lol. You shall be receiving a call later!

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