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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 2-23-2005 at 9:41pm
Current mood: cranky
Music: Broken Road - Rascal Flatts
Subject: My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
I was dying in geometry today. I was having like a coughing fit and I absolutly could not talk and I could barely breath. I kept trying to tell Mrs. Christman that I needed to go get a drink. She ignored me. I finally just get up and leave and go try to quit coughing. I come back like 10 minutes later and she starts bitching at me about how I'm "not supposed to just leave class like that" and how I'm "not allowed in the hallways during class" and she just kept going on and on. I was like "omg I tried to get your attention but you kept blabbing on and ignoring me though you Had to have seen my hand in the air for ten freakin minutes!" hmm....harmless enough....but of course she sent me to the principals. He excused it and said that she should have let me go when I first started coughing and that she's a fucking retard...heh...ok I made that last bit up but yeah, he should have said it...

Found out that Nicole and Karl are still together yesterday. That was Quite the shock for sure. He said he didn't know if they were together still or not, but yesterday she asked if I had "heard from [her] boyfriend" so I was like oh....ok....
It'll be ok though...I Hope...ehh

I have decided that mom is bipolar

hmmm everyone is starting to add me to their friends list...ok that's a major lie. I think I'm only the "friend of" about....5 people at max. That's ok though....*big smile*

hmm...made a typo today.
Very funny....then again really fucking I made it at school and got yelled at for being at "that kind of website!"
_check it out folks_

Well....good luck to those of you who like someone...heh....


lol love them. so cute

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02-24-05 3:11pm

What exactly is there situation? You stole her man? Huh?

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All that there is, 02-24-05 5:32pm

nicole and karl had been together for nine months. around month seven she completely changed. she talked different, acted different, reacted to things differently than she normally would was all just really weird. no one knew how to talk to her anymore because she was really emotional and it was just crazy. she and karl started having problems. she took a bunch of breaks and would stay gone for weeks at a time. karl and i started getting a lot closer and i ended up liking him a lot and he said that he felt the same way. nicole and i got into a huge ass fight, then she got into it with karl too. it was really weird. anyways, maybe a week later karls computer shit out. he didn't have nicoles address and he had no way of getting in contact with her so i told her so that she wouldnt be in the dark about it all. now, karl and i had exchanged addresses a Long time ago so we wrote eachother all the freakin time. pretty soon we just filed nicole into the back of our minds and didnt really talk about her at all. we started talking about us and i realized that i loved him and he said that he loved me and it was the perfect thing and it was great. he joined the army and we still talk and everything. then nicole came flying back into the picture. now everything is turned upside down and crazy. karl thought that they weren't together anymore, as did i. so, that's all that i know as of now.
i don't know if that's considered stealing him or not. maybe.

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Re: All that there is, 02-24-05 5:55pm

strange. I kept the group stable. lol jk I left all this along time ago... :s

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Re: Re: All that there is, 02-24-05 7:56pm

lmfao nah, i thought the same thing. but yeah, that's in the past.
good times though

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02-24-05 3:24pm

you are great. i have like 17 people on my friend of list and like 8 on my friends list.

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Re:, 02-24-05 5:39pm

lol thanks, though i don't know why i'm great.... i need to add a few more people to my friends list. i think i shall go do that

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