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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-25-2005 at 4:29pm
Subject: Everybody wants to be a cat...
Dufty's class rocked SO hard today! We watched Homestar Runner the WHOLE hour!!! It was fricken awesome to the power of 12! And a half! Gotta' love that buddy, ya' just do.

So, why did they block xanga and woohu at school? I haven't actually tried getting into it, that's just what I've heard was done. Which is stupid. That's the only joy in my life when I'm done with assignments involving computers at school. Blahg. Stupid people. Grrr on you, whoever you are!!!

Yep, other than that nothing's really been happening. Wednesday was cool. I was not in an incredibly good mood, but Rob talked to me and made me feel better. It was cool. Thursday nothing happened really. Today Ellie's coming over after she's done working. We're gonna' hang out and watch movies. Sounds like it could be fun. Yep.

Okay I'll get off here now. Have a good day kids! Love and hugs.

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02-25-05 7:58pm

Homestar rocks to the power of 3018. And just go to and that'll solve your problems with the school computers.

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Re:, 02-25-05 8:45pm

You rock Bill! Gratzi.

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02-26-05 12:40pm

Did you watch the strong bad e-mail "For the Kids"? It is absolutely hilarious!

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Re:, 02-27-05 2:07pm

no we didn't! i don't think i've seen that one! but we watched all on the teen girl squad and a couple toons. fun fricken stuff man!

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