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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 3-2-2005 at 7:02pm
Current mood: crushed
Music: The Broken Road - Rascall Flats
I'd have to say that my favorite look on a guy is a button down shirt, top two buttons undone and a shirt underneath. It is so hot.

Ehh that's like actually all I have to say. I think I'm going to bed early tonight. I have to study for Biology. Practically the entire class failed the test we had last week, so Mr. Terry's letting us retake it tomorrow, thank the Lord. I had a 79. So horrible. Hopefully I get at least a 95 tomorrow. Then I will be fine. Any lower than that and I'll be pissed.

Well...that's about it sadly.

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03-02-05 9:15pm

I agree with you on that shirt thing.. it is very hot :-)


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