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butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 3-4-2005 at 7:19pm
Current mood: pissed off
Music: My Immortal - Evanesence
omg i hate when guys find it necissary to question me on my virginity, and ask whether or not i've orgasmed. They don't even believe me if i even bother to answer them. they're like "oh yeah, i believe that..." its like omfg. Why the fuck do they think it's any of their business anyways? i mean holy shit stay the fuck out of my personal life. god damnit

omg i have a 3 page report to do for extra credit because i have a freakin B in biology, and then i also have a one page report to write in there about a plant that is used in medicine which i Really don't want to do. ehh i hate biology.

have to have a power point done by tuesday that's eight minutes long. i have about 40 slides, i think that should be enough, i'll have to talk slow though.

tomorrow i am so fuckin sleeping in. i'm sick of school, i wish that the damn building would burn down, but then i would just have to go to exeter and i don't like anyone who goes to that school so i'll just stick with wheaton. gay ass school
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03-04-05 10:07pm

guys will be guys.. I usually get asked if I masturbate, so.. they are pervs. you just hafta slap them and walk away. haha.


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Re:, 03-04-05 10:36pm

ahh that's the one i forgot to list. couldn't remember. but yes, slaps to the face are good

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Re: Re:, 03-05-05 11:23am

You all need a sign that states: "Anti-man conversation starting here"

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Re: Re: Re:, 03-06-05 11:42am

you're just upset because you got pulled into the anti-man conversation. don't worry about though, it's true you guys do ask odd and disturbing questions

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03-05-05 12:29am

guys are just curious. thats like they will ask me and the don't believe that i am still a virgin b/c i am flirty. in the end they are stupid, and you either have to be mean or accept them and the throbbing mancocks that they are ruled by.

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Re:, 03-07-05 11:51pm

amen gurl

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