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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 3-4-2005 at 8:32pm
Current mood: annoyed
Music: Random songs...
Subject: French fries rule!
So, today was interesting. Not feeling the need to be detailed about it though. I played eukre a lot today... got my butt kicked every time! Sad really. Oh well.

Adam is my favorite guy in the whole world!! He makes me happy all the time. Not the "I'm so in love with him" kinda' happy, just happy. Like friends do. It's grand.

Yep, I really don't have much to say. So I'll see ya'll later. Chao.

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03-05-05 9:56am

Hey, I'm babysitting at the moment. So I'm sorry about thursday night. Really sorry, I know how you feel considering last year about this time only it was everybody doing it to me about Zac. I found a bunch a stuff on the chem assignment. You and I need to do something!! I mean without anyone else since we don't talk at all (or according to Zac we do). Well I got to go. And again I am very sorry!!!!!!!!!

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Re:, 03-05-05 10:11am

i LOVE the name

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03-05-05 10:03am

Oh, I really need to talk to you. I said something really stupid Friday after school to Zac as we were leaving. So he called me again. I think that I am going to have a mental break down. But then again what else is new? :) I never realized that it was so hard for me to put down my guard and let someone in even though I know that he won't hurt me. But I have come to a conclusion, but I will have to tell you about it at school. Well I got to go love ya tons!!!!!!!!!!

~Depressed-alone Firework~

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Re:, 03-05-05 10:55pm

i would call you now... but your parents would kill me... so i'll call ya' tomorrow!

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03-05-05 6:26pm

I wanna play euchre!! lol.

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