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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 3-14-2005 at 7:32pm
Music: nothin'
Subject: Andy your a star in nobody's eyes but mine.
I had a good day today! Running on four hours of sleep can really make you hyper. Kinda' backwards but whatever. Softball was HARD! I hate those little hoppy things. They suck major monkey toes. I'll live though. Majorly messed up my elbow batting. Stupid fricken cage. I was doing fine until I got in there... then everything died. But yea, what can ya' do really?

So I guess everyone's friends again. It must be a softball thing. We automatically become best friends... no matter what happens in school or anywhere else. Freaks that we are. Yea, it's good though. I hate not talking to people... no fun at all!

Well my dears, I think I shall be off now. 'Tis my parentals anniversary, and my grandparental units should be coming anytime now. So I'll talk to ya'll on a later date. Love and hugs.

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03-15-05 11:34am

that part about automatic best friends is so true, it drives me nuts cuz i want to be friends the rest of the time too. apparently though im not good enough for over half of my team well what can you do.

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Re:, 03-15-05 9:50pm

i know what you mean though. it sucks that we can't just all be friends all the time! stupid "groups".

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Re: Re:, 03-16-05 12:22pm

i hate softball...

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03-19-05 4:40pm

happy birthday jacqui

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