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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 3-20-2005 at 9:33pm
Current mood: depressed
Music: Ain't no sunshine - ??
mom and dad are taking away my second phone line.

my life is over.

excuse my while i go kill myself.
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03-21-05 12:40pm

What?! Thats outragous! They cannot do that. Why are they doing that?

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Re:, 03-22-05 1:42pm

Taylor called a gazillion of her friends on the phone...they happend to be long distant numbers and mom and dad went off about "how much that costs" and "how much they spend on the phone lines" and so they just decided that it wasn't worth paying for the second one and that it would be cheaper to just get rid of it. I am furious with Taylor. Damn the 10 year old and her phone addiction -_-

I'm debating on whether to get a job and just pay them for the line. Horrible what my addiction the the internet will lead me to do. I don't think they will allow me to get a job yet though.

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