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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 3-22-2005 at 9:50am
The US Government decided to end the dispute over which US agency was superior to all others. The three finest organizations, the FBI, CIA, and LAPD, were to be put to a test, and whichever agency had the best results would be hereafter be dubbed the greatest agency in the US.

The task was this. A small bunny rabbit would be released into a large forest, whichever agency could find it the fastest would be the winner.

First up was the CIA. The CIA used undercover agents dressed as trees and other animals to try to build up intelligence on the bunny's location. After spending nearly 3 months in the forest trying to build up basic intelligence, they gave up, knowing that they had lost and would never find the bunny.

Next up was the FBI. For a full month, they scoured the forest looking for any hints or clues. After the month was over, the FBI came out, burned down the forest and claimed that no such bunny ever existed.

Finally, it was the LAPD's turn. They barged into the forest and after 20 minutes, a battered and dazed bear came stumbling out of the forest screaming, "I'M A BUNNY, I'M A BUNNY!"
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03-22-05 10:30am


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