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tails (profile) wrote,
on 3-27-2005 at 7:29pm
Family was tolerable for the first time ever today i just like totally couldnt beilive it was happening i loved my family today and everything about them. o and my brother caught a bunny in the yard he fucking tackled it and then brought it in the house and it was a fucking albino, with the red eyes and everything. i couldnt beilive he caught a fucking albino bunny on easter....irony? anyway so he took it home with him and he now as a new pet. but when it was in the house it was like all chilling and not trying to run away so we are pretty sure it was someone elses pet that got loose and that would also explain why it was albino and just running around outside. either way irony on easter makes it funnier and i loved today so much. well peace bitches.
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03-27-05 7:50pm

I want a bunny!

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03-27-05 7:59pm

Dude you totally just stole the real easter bunny.

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