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neonxspork (profile) wrote,
on 4-2-2005 at 9:45pm
Current mood: tired
Music: Rules :: The Ashtray Hearts
Subject: The Ashtray Hearts.
I was looking through the KH community and Kurt posted a suggestion to check out this band. I absolutely love it. I mean I love it. If you still didn't buy me anything for my birthday, I strongly suggest you buy me their CD. The Ashtray Hearts - Perfect Halves.
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04-02-05 9:48pm

if this doesnt work delete it!

is that not that cutest doggie ever!?

(reply to this)


04-02-05 9:49pm

and durrrr i already bought you shit i hope this isnt directed at me. errrr

(reply to this)


What a pretty doggy!, 04-02-05 9:50pm

No it wasn't directed at you it was directed at everyone and the dog is adorable!

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