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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 4-8-2005 at 9:24pm
Current mood: cheerful
Music: none
Subject: I'm finally home!
You guys have no clue how much I've missed you. I cannot wait to sleep in my bed. I slept on an air matress and in a car seat for 2 weeks now! NOT COOL!! But I did have fun in Cali. I LOVE having a pool! That was the best part of the whole thing. You'd wake up watch Regis and Kelly change into your bathing suit and go for a swim. Or just lay by the pool soaking up sun until you could no longer sit still. We went shopping a lot. I got a new bathing suit (it's SUPER pretty!), new tennis shoes (finally), and some other random clothing items.

OMG! This ones for you Het! They were having a Good Guys car show at Del Mar, so being the car crazy family that we are we went. It was WAY cool!! Not as good as St. Ignace... but still crazy awesome!! I got pictures of 3 different Cobras for ya' Het! The one I think you'll like the most is the silver one... just cuz it's silver. hehe. Yep, crazy cool! Oh and I got a picture of my Vett. (not literally mine, just my dream car!)

Yea so, vacation was good. Can't wait to get back to school though! For real, I've never wanted school so bad before in my whole life!

Hey Al, did JD give you that permission slip thing for Norkus. He said he would... but never confirmed it actually happening. So yea, lemme know!

I can't wait for tomorrow... Ariana and I are going to dinner. Probably somewhere in town. But it doesn't matter, cuz we can both drive! She's coming here first... don't know when though. I missed her!! You just can't leave your best friend for two whole weeks! Of course, I missed all ya'll too!!

Okay I gotta' go. Love ya' all tons. HUGS!!

-Jacquelyn Jean-
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04-09-05 8:54am

no, i don't think so, maybe he just turned it in.

welcome home, i missed you tons!

love ya

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04-09-05 10:13am

OMG!!! I so cant wait!!! I missed you more than you could possibly know. I even canceled on my favorite cousin so that I could see you today! Love ya tonz!!!

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04-09-05 1:11pm

That's so totally awesome! I'm so get to see all the cool cars. : P But ... I got to softball so there! lol...j/k. Glad you had fun mon amie

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