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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 4-9-2005 at 8:55pm
Current mood: energetic
Music: Ellie and Steph talking
Subject: Fun fun
I had an awesome first full day back! I woke up WAY late, ate pizza for breakfast (that never happens), and Ariana came over! Good good day. Ariana and I went to Family Fare and got lunchables, then we went to the park to eat them. We checked out in Rob's lane at the store and he just talked to us. He didn't put our stuff in a bag until I told him to. The dork. lol. Then he walked us to the car because he was going on lunch and he tied the bag in a million knots. He wanted to tie more but I took it and put it in the car. I don't know why I just told that story... it was just funny at the time I suppose.

After dinner Ariana and I drove past Ellie's and saw her so I turned around and we went back to talk to her. Now she's at our house. She has been since around 6 or 6:30. I really missed Ellie. Not seeing her is like not seeing your sister for 2 weeks... it's crazy uncool.

Yep, that's all. Love ya'll mucho. *HUGS*

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04-10-05 10:36pm sister lives in virginia....yep, it's hard

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