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box (profile) wrote,
on 5-9-2005 at 3:31pm

Pic of the new Xbox 360 Console with paddle, headset, and eye toy like camera.

The photos, were taken by some attendant at last night's MTV party in Hollywood.

Here is where i found the info
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05-12-05 12:13pm

notice there are no controller ports on the console.

only memory card ports.

Standard wireless WOOHOO!!!

but that is most likely not what its going to look like, we'll just have to wate

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05-12-05 10:37pm

i was dissapointed about mtv's thing....
30 minutes to feed us information.

i found out that west coast customs "customised" an orginal xbox
the killers can play 2 songs.
its going to have changeable faceplates.
wireless controllers.
perfect dark will be a release title.
and i saw very little of it being played.
that was like 5 minutes of content too.
the rest was bullshit surrounded by commercials.

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