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neonxspork (profile) wrote,
on 5-10-2005 at 11:59am
Alrigth, you guys. I made a decision.

I am going to go to USF or UF for the pre-med program. No creative writing major, I have completely thrown that idea out of the window, but I am going to keep writing. I was thinking of FSU, mostly because I know Kate is pressured into going there and Nicole and Megan want me to go there, but it doesn't seem like the right thing to do. They don't have a pre-med program, and I could always major in biology and hope to get accepted into medical school, but it would be unlikely for me to get accepted. This, I think, is the right thing to do.

I went to a doctor today, and he was very nice and we talking about college. After listening to him talk about medical school, yeah, its going to be tough but what he said was "If you want it bad enough, you can do it, the people who don't make it never wanted it." And I do want it, more then anything.

So, if that means saying goodbye to some of my friends then thats what I have to do.

In Medical School, your summer break is only a month long, so while everyone else will be out of school, not only will I be in school, but I will only have one month to see them. But its a sacrifice I am going to have to take.

What I need is you guys to take care of me and believe in me, and don't let me make stupid choices. This is what I want, don't let me get scared and change my mind.

"Don't let the fear of striking out keep you out of the game."
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05-10-05 4:59pm

In a Spanish voice....You can do it!

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05-12-05 2:43pm

you are awesome.

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