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brokenmentality (profile) wrote,
on 5-11-2005 at 11:41pm
yes.. i am a bitch.

im glad to know that my sorry little journal that nobody reads is able to reach so many people NOT on my friends list and create drama in all of your pathetic lives.

its pretty sad when i have to delete an entry from my journal because you are relentless.. we all have opinions.. do we not?

and what the fuck... im stereotypical? you SERIOUSLY think that it upsets me that we dont have "pirate hookers" on our senate? lyndseys one of my best friends... so first of all lay off the pirate hookers.... and second of all. i am OBVIOUSLY not concerned with that seems how i fit into NO social group. stacy cain is one of my best friends... but WAIT is that allowed? i mean i though that all terrible rotten people like myself only talked to the popular people who wear abercrombie and hollister.. oh YEAH that would be YOU stereotyping meee... thats right. so in all reality we're all just a bunch of fucking hypocrites.

except even though i AM after all a heartless bitch.. i apparantly dont have feelings. so you attack me for expressing a view.. even when my entry was so indirect that nobody knew what each statement was refering to anyways. funny how that works.. how in the long run you just look like an ass.

what i said was i have my doubts, but next year will work out.. because we had our doubts about this years group too.. and THAT worked out. so leave me the hell alone about a group thats "different".. dont TALK to me about not wanting something thats different. im dating keegan... we've got to be one of the most unlikely pairs OUT there.. but we work. so dont TELL me im stereotypical.. you dont know me. none of you do. lay off. seriously. LAY off.

im glad i've fueled a couple of peoples need to bad mouth someone...
thanks for proving my point guys....

i cant help that im defensive... just please leave me alone.
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05-12-05 1:47pm

No, you're not a bitch. You're a person with an opinion. That is normal. Sometimes other people just don't get that you're allowed to use your voice too, but don't stop, b/c you have some pretty good thoughts to spread.

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05-12-05 4:02pm

I Agree. Dont Let Them Get To You. You Know Who You Are... They Dont.

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Response to your antics, 05-14-05 11:28pm

If you must condemn me without confrontation, you are a coward

it's easy to denounce me when I am not around

but honestly I do not need your approval nor opinion to progress on, yes you are an obstacle in my way and you are doing harm to the goal of progression through your childish charades but they will be known to all if you openly oppose my goals

the people spoke and if you can not handle the outcome, this line of work is obviously not for you

I strive for unity and it has become very self evident you seek to do the exact inverse for you intentionally are constructing walls and hurdles before the track of progress

Silencing me will accomplish nothing, but if you seek cooperation and understanding, perhaps they are attainable if you halt your quest for vengence

Ultimately it seems, blocking my actions as president will only harm the senior class

choose what is more important, is it your own personal feelings or the common good of the senior class?

I will no longer participate in this sport of internet attacking, I have declared my goals and if you dispute, make it to me in person for I care little about hexadecimal digits and ascii code that are sent to my web browser from your IP.

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