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box (profile) wrote,
on 5-17-2005 at 12:17am
Subject: Piece of Shit 3
And here it is ladies and gentlemen, The Piece of Shit 3

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05-17-05 11:07am

i think mad catz made a paddle like that once, it didn't last to long if i remember correctly.

that thing is UHHHHHGLY!

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Re:, 05-17-05 12:44pm

Uglier than sin itself.

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Re:, 05-17-05 5:40pm

yeah they did, the whole system looks like a pile and the specs don't meet the xbox 360

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05-17-05 8:15pm

I hope you can still plug in the old controllers.

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Re:, 05-20-05 2:01pm

The controllers will be wireless.. so no the old controllers will most likely not work

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