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box (profile) wrote,
on 5-17-2005 at 1:08am
Umm yea.. So Nintendo has been keeping wraps on their shit for some time.. but a video was leaked to the public.. and if its legit.. all i have to say.. is DAAYUM!!!;0424cdba1e5b8242814aa28b7922d976698e54617779cd0b0dacfb0813cd3247e1582d9598efd38c
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05-17-05 11:30am

CGI doesn't impress me.

i seen like 1 actual clip from a game.
the rest was all CGI.

not impressed here.

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Re:, 05-17-05 2:33pm

Very much my opinion after i watched it again. And also i have reason to belive its not legit due to the article nintendo posted on their website giving some info about the console.. and the physical description doesnt match that of what we saw in the video

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05-18-05 7:27pm

yeah that video is junk, saw pictures of the real nintendo revolution today, not impressed

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